Aaron Chasing His Dream Of Becoming A Paramedic

Success Stories at Blue Skies Case Management & Care

One of the most gratifying aspects of being a case manager at Blue Skies Case Management & Care is witnessing the success stories of our clients. Whether it is a client achieving a health milestone, overcoming a personal challenge, or achieving a goal they once thought impossible, these moments are celebrated and cherished. Knowing that your efforts have contributed to improving someone's quality of life and instilling hope for the future is a reward like no other. Here is the story of one of our amazing clients, Aaron. 

In 2013, Aaron and his mother experienced a life-altering car accident due to adverse weather conditions. Aaron underwent extensive surgery and spent a week in a coma. Despite sustaining frontal lobe brain damage and experiencing cognitive difficulties, Aaron's determination and positive mindset have propelled him forward. With the support of his family, Case Manager, Catrin May and Personal Injury Lawyers, Slee Blackwell Solicitors. Aaron embarked on a journey of rehabilitation, achieving remarkable things along the way. 

Aaron was really struggling at school and had no EHCP, Dr Kate Perry, Educational Psychologist became involved and ensured that Aaron had an EHCP.  From Primary school, he went on to attend a mainstream High School.  The environment was not right for Aaron, and he really struggled because the school was unable to meet his needs.  Through a very concerted effort from the MDT, the local authority was persuaded to fund a placement for Aaron at a private school, providing the right environment and learning style for Aaron. 

Additionally, Aaron has benefited from an excellent and dedicated support worker who has offered him a wide range of experiences that have helped him develop physically, emotionally and encouraged independence.  His support worker enrolled him with St John’s Ambulance as he has always had a passion for the emergency services and would like to be a paramedic.  

In the last year, Aaron has been a part of the St John Ambulance cadets, where he has learnt lifesaving first aid and other essential skills. With Aaron’s passion and determination, he has been able to win Devon’s St John Ambulance Cadet of the Year and represent Devon at the St John Ambulance National Cadet of the Year.   Aaron stands as a strong, independent individual, showcasing the progress he has made with the support of a strong multi-disciplinary team and the right educational setting.  His journey is marked by achievements and he serves as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges. 

Aaron winning Devon's St John Ambulance Cadet of the year award

Aaron's inspiring journey highlights the importance and reward of being a Case Manager and this is why offering bespoke case management to our clients is so important to us. We are proud to be a part of Aaron's success story and remain committed to our mission of empowering individuals to overcome life-changing injuries.  

Congratulations Aaron, on everything you have achieved. We are extremely proud of you. 


Ella’s inspirational journey of resilience